Certainly one of the biggest goals of the Odd-Sky project is to release a full-length record at some point in time (and I do mean record as in vinyl, by the way, but I'm probably getting ahead of myself.) Despite the fact that many people seem to just release music individually as singles, I still enjoy full albums. Almost all of my music collection is full albums. Of course I like going on Soundcloud and listening to individual tracks, but I rarely download these tracks. I would rather wait for the "finished album" before adding it to my collection. Unfortunately, most of these albums go unfinished, and often times one might not have ever been planned.
I'm a little torn on how to release new Odd-Sky material. These first few songs obviously I wanted to post online ASAP, mostly because now I can actually say Odd-Sky, you know, exists and I have something to show for it, but also because quite honestly I'm proud of how quickly these tracks came together and how good (at least to me) they sound. Also being able to promote a new track every week or two seems like a good way to build a fan base, in theory at least. But if I do that with the end goal of releasing an album, what do I hold back? It creates a tough situation. Some would say put everything online. Some would say wait with the whole thing and maybe release some teasers to maintain interest.
I should also say that I really enjoy the instant gratification of being able to click the upload button and getting feedback just a few minutes later. It's hard to keep a good secret, you know? And of course I always go in with the idea that each track I write should be better than the one before it, so in theory I am always releasing the best stuff I have, but holding off on the (yet-unwritten) very best stuff to come.
What do you guys think? I want as many opinions on this as possible, because it matters a lot to the future outcome of this project.
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